Preparing The Way Of Lord's Coming
Vision is what you receive from god. Our vision is to preach the gospel into the gentiles unreached and broke hearted people. Make them disciples of Jesus Chirst and to prove to the world that Jesus Chirst is alive through signs, miracles and wonders. Remebering the poor always and doing the needful to them. I have been called by God has an apostle of love, pastor and teacher into word of God.
Mission is what you accomplish for god.Ministering among the college students and villages. Where jesus is not preached. Raising up people for God. Our continous burden from our percious lord Jesus Chirst is to testify into his name unceasingly. All my life from my youth has be continously in fasting, praying ,preaching and teaching the word of God with the help of god and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit many saved devils cash out healing and miracle happened one after other.